Monday 18 July 2011

Back Probing

Back Probe Testing

This blog discusses simple back probing connectors on the bench, I’ll go through all the steps on how to back probe. In practical class we used multi-meters to do a basic back probe, we went through the steps on how to set up and test the meter and I will cover these steps.

1.     Firstly we setup the multi-meter by setting it to Ohms and making sure that the leads weren’t touching making it an open circuit.The we do these steps are to ensure that the multi-meter is working correctly.

2.     The reading on the screen showed 0.L as shown above, this means open circuit because the probe wires are not touching or connected.

3.     Next I touched the two probe leads together and got a reading of 0.2Ω, this shows that the circuit is closed as both probes are touching each other.

Back Probing Connectors
1.     We received a hard shell connector with terminals and wires attached so that we could carry out tests.

2.     Next I back probed a wire by gently inserting a pin into the back of the lead (as shown below) and then probed the front on the other side; I then measured the resistance which was 0.6Ω.

If you get a reading on the multi-meter then the back probe was successful because this shows that there was a good connection made and the circuit is closed. However if you get a 0.L display then the circuit is still open, this means that either of the probes are not connected correctly.

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